To Sleep, Perchance To Dream

Dreams are like catching dandelion fluff in the wind, you think you’ve caught a piece and a breath of wind, and they are gone. Yet what happens in our dream states is crucial to our mood the next day, our well being, and our general health.
Catching a dream, and recording it immediately can be essential to learning to remember and then to analyze your dreams, so a dream journal is an important tool when learning about your dreams. Dreams carry symbolism, and while there are many overall themes for the meaning of your dreams, I feel it is important for each dreamer to develop their own key for what their dreams mean to them.
I dream quite vividly and can remember much of what I dream. I believe there are different types of dreams. There are dreams that are processing dreams, dreams that help us sort out our daily lives, help us with fear, anxiety, hopes and manifestations. There are dreams that carry messages from our guides and angels, not only for warnings, but also of announcing crucial signposts to your path.
I also think that those of us who are awakened, continue our Light Work on into the night. Far from being at rest, we work helping and guiding others on the astral plane, while our bodies lay at rest on our beds. Have you ever had a dream in a foreign language? Or been swimming in a sea of blue – but more like flying? This is probably a remembrance of the astral plane that you journeyed through while you slept. The other night I was in a deep dream state. My body felt heavy, like it was drugged, and at the same time I was aware of my dream (this is known as lucid dreaming.) While I was out in the dream state, I started to notice that someone was physically grabbing and holding onto my legs. Then I realized from the grip and height of the attachment it was as if a little child was holding onto me, attempting to get my attention. I really wasn’t fearful but it was so strong, this child holding on, that I could feel them and their physical presence. Then I felt them climb up to my lap and they were holding onto my mid section. This was such a real sensation in my dream, I couldn’t see them but I could feel them. I could feel their weight on my body, and I woke up. When I awoke I knew it was a dream but I also could feel a presence in my bedroom. So I relaxed, went back to sleep again and immediately fell into a light trance state, and I heard a voice just like someone was standing right next to my bed in my bedroom, saying in a female child’s voice “Hello”, like you would say if you were checking to see if anyone was there saying, “hello. Can you hear me? “
This woke me immediately again. It was almost as if I could hear the echo of that hello. I sat up in bed, bolt upright and looked to where the voice came from. As I did this, I then saw my dog and two cats, were sitting at various states with me on the bed (of course, where else would they sleep?) and they were all staring at a spot beyond me, to the left, precisely where I heard the voice emanate. Hmmm. Now this is very interesting. I’m hearing a voice and it looks like all of my animals are looking at a spot directly where I heard the voice come from. Well, I can’t do anything about that so I try to go back to sleep – I achieved a light trance again. Immediately, I become aware of the presence of a girl who is now by my side and somehow know that what she sees me as: an angel of light.
I have no idea where she came from, or how long she was earthbound or bound in the astral plane, a little soul not knowing where to go or how to move forward. But I do know that she was drawn to my light, and that she found me in the astral plane while I slept and where I was also apparently working. I took this little lost girl, and told her that I wasn’t really an angel, that I am a person, but I would find an angel to help her. As I called for Archangel Gabriella, who I work with often, I felt this angels’ wondrous light and love. The child released her grip on me, and went directly to Gabriella. She was then taken back to her real home, which is the true spiritual home for us all. After that my dreams were sweet. I remember them not. But this did remind me that my work is much more than what it appears to be. I am reminded that our time spent sleeping may often be a time of connecting and of working, and aiding others in ways we can hardly fathom, scarcely remembering when we are wide awake in the “real” world.
My faith in the mystery of our work, and of who we help and are helped by on this journey deepens. I guess I won’t be so cranky after a night when I wake up only to find that I am still exhausted. “I sleep, perchance to dream,” and possibly a whole lot more along the divine work that I am here to do, as you are too."To sleep, perchance to dream-ay, there's the rub." From Hamlet (III, i, 65-68)
Catching a dream, and recording it immediately can be essential to learning to remember and then to analyze your dreams, so a dream journal is an important tool when learning about your dreams. Dreams carry symbolism, and while there are many overall themes for the meaning of your dreams, I feel it is important for each dreamer to develop their own key for what their dreams mean to them.
I dream quite vividly and can remember much of what I dream. I believe there are different types of dreams. There are dreams that are processing dreams, dreams that help us sort out our daily lives, help us with fear, anxiety, hopes and manifestations. There are dreams that carry messages from our guides and angels, not only for warnings, but also of announcing crucial signposts to your path.
I also think that those of us who are awakened, continue our Light Work on into the night. Far from being at rest, we work helping and guiding others on the astral plane, while our bodies lay at rest on our beds. Have you ever had a dream in a foreign language? Or been swimming in a sea of blue – but more like flying? This is probably a remembrance of the astral plane that you journeyed through while you slept. The other night I was in a deep dream state. My body felt heavy, like it was drugged, and at the same time I was aware of my dream (this is known as lucid dreaming.) While I was out in the dream state, I started to notice that someone was physically grabbing and holding onto my legs. Then I realized from the grip and height of the attachment it was as if a little child was holding onto me, attempting to get my attention. I really wasn’t fearful but it was so strong, this child holding on, that I could feel them and their physical presence. Then I felt them climb up to my lap and they were holding onto my mid section. This was such a real sensation in my dream, I couldn’t see them but I could feel them. I could feel their weight on my body, and I woke up. When I awoke I knew it was a dream but I also could feel a presence in my bedroom. So I relaxed, went back to sleep again and immediately fell into a light trance state, and I heard a voice just like someone was standing right next to my bed in my bedroom, saying in a female child’s voice “Hello”, like you would say if you were checking to see if anyone was there saying, “hello. Can you hear me? “
This woke me immediately again. It was almost as if I could hear the echo of that hello. I sat up in bed, bolt upright and looked to where the voice came from. As I did this, I then saw my dog and two cats, were sitting at various states with me on the bed (of course, where else would they sleep?) and they were all staring at a spot beyond me, to the left, precisely where I heard the voice emanate. Hmmm. Now this is very interesting. I’m hearing a voice and it looks like all of my animals are looking at a spot directly where I heard the voice come from. Well, I can’t do anything about that so I try to go back to sleep – I achieved a light trance again. Immediately, I become aware of the presence of a girl who is now by my side and somehow know that what she sees me as: an angel of light.
I have no idea where she came from, or how long she was earthbound or bound in the astral plane, a little soul not knowing where to go or how to move forward. But I do know that she was drawn to my light, and that she found me in the astral plane while I slept and where I was also apparently working. I took this little lost girl, and told her that I wasn’t really an angel, that I am a person, but I would find an angel to help her. As I called for Archangel Gabriella, who I work with often, I felt this angels’ wondrous light and love. The child released her grip on me, and went directly to Gabriella. She was then taken back to her real home, which is the true spiritual home for us all. After that my dreams were sweet. I remember them not. But this did remind me that my work is much more than what it appears to be. I am reminded that our time spent sleeping may often be a time of connecting and of working, and aiding others in ways we can hardly fathom, scarcely remembering when we are wide awake in the “real” world.
My faith in the mystery of our work, and of who we help and are helped by on this journey deepens. I guess I won’t be so cranky after a night when I wake up only to find that I am still exhausted. “I sleep, perchance to dream,” and possibly a whole lot more along the divine work that I am here to do, as you are too."To sleep, perchance to dream-ay, there's the rub." From Hamlet (III, i, 65-68)