Message from the Council of Elders for 11-11-11

Know that this portal gate from 11-11-10 to 11-14-11 is an auspicious opportunity for awakening, releasing, attuning and manifesting. A new version of the planet earth Gaia, and yourselves is landing during this star gate of creation. There is a setting of new energies and avenues for new pathways of creation, opening up to channels of light and frequencies that are anchoring into the earth and for yourselves if you choose to allow them.
It is time for you, as a soul on this journey to make a choice, to release what you need to release, and then to create a new vision of yourselves. Know that you can choose those people, places, things, visions of a higher path, ease of emotions, joy, love, peace, health and abundance in your life, those things that are supportive of your new energy. For beloveds, it is time to release those (people, places, things, institutions, emotions and thoughts) that no longer support your new energy form. It is time to clear the fears and lower energies that you are creating and that may appear to surround you and to solidify your intentions to bring in the new vibration of the new earth and new life that is there for all of you.
Many wonderful things are possible, as the energies of the 4th and 5th dimensions and higher are anchoring into the planet and into our very DNA structure. The activation has started; so incredible transformation is possible now for anyone who chooses this path, especially during the stargarte portals.
Know that the 3rd dimensional dream is closing down. There will be many releases or structural changes around this time, and in the near future, in relation to the dismantling of the 3rd dimensional form. Be not afraid, accept all releases with blessing and the knowingness that the new will come in, and that in reality, that which has been lost will be restored and more. (Look for small examples of this that are manifesting in your personal life as we speak, and know that larger ones are in the outworking.) Be of good heart and expect wonderful and amazing events, healings, inner peace and such manifestations will occur.
Be brave dear ones, and step through the star gate energy in faith that we are all supporting you and sending you all that is creating from the highest levels. This is your time on earth to be the creator Gods within your lives and to be amazed at the endless possibilities of such creation. Intention and a clear connection with Source Energy, or God as you know it, will aide and assist you in pulling in the highest energy to walk this out.
We thank you for all your work to date, and we want to assure you that we are standing right by your side during this momentous time, that we are your greatest cheerleaders, and that we send you Love, Light, and energy for you to achieve all that you came to earth to achieve.
The Council of Elders and The Golden Arcturian Council of Light and One
Channeled by Reverend Barb, 11-10-2011