A Message from Archangel Azreal - the Angel of Death
Azreal arrives to open your channel to many ways of divine transformation
First of all, you are to release the traditional fear based, literal meaning of death and of the 3rd dimensional view of the Angel of death known as Azreal. It is true that Azreal comes in with such magnificence and transplendence and assists the soul to release and cross over. She works with all during their lifetime at the time of crossing over, but she also works with mankind on much higher levels.
For Azreal is an Ascended Archangel of Light; she is one of the highest channels of God's divine channel with this earth. I feel so much feminine energy around Azreal so I will refer to her as "she" but she is genderless of course. What she does carry is the full heart connection of the divine mother, of compassion and transcendence. Azreal opens up all connective levels with the Divine, one of which is the channel that opens up when a person is ready to cross over.
She is also the one who helps you open and hold the channel to connect with the Divine on the highest levels, she is there while you create and enjoy music, painting, gardening, and all forms of inspiration and creativity with mastery, for your full love and compassionate work with your family, friends and all whom you come in contact with. You feel your heart chakra expand along with your third eye and crown chakra and you transition yourself to a channel of this energy, and you do so with your own abilities that you have and are developing, and with your Angel, Azreal.
So Azreal works with you with all these projects and compassionate outlays of your energy, she helps you release that which you no longer need (bringing you through the little deaths, pruning the limbs off that which no longer aide you in your growth), she helps you with your transitions and she is also the Archangel of true wise counsel - that which you already are and that you practice.
So these are the higher qualities of your beloved Azreal who is working with you on the higher dimensional levels of death, transition, compassion and receiving wise counsel.
Know this in your heart dear one. She stands with you always and so enjoys that you are an open channel of the Light of God.