We bring you good tidings and the Light of The Christ has descended to you and all good mankind. For the blessing of the Christ is upon you. Hallelujah! The kingdom of The Light and God is upon you and within you. Go forth and spread the good news of the Light and the Attunement of the One for all who are on the earth, and of the earthly connection.
We are here to explain to you and to all of mankind why the Christ has arisen and even now walks within you, in each of you, ever so gloriously. It is truly so, you have been told that the kingdom of God is within each of you and this is the grace and the blessing which is promised, and which pours forth - if you but let it. We suggest that you relax and open yourself to this attunement of energy so that you receive the peace of the One, the Wisdom of the All, the Perfection of the Truth and the Oneness of the Light. Hallelujah!
We are here to explain to all, the principals of living in the Light and the Oneness which is every being’s evidential right.
Beloveds, there are many levels of experiencing on your beautiful planet at this time. There are presently masters of the planet who are living simply at One, in very simple and primitive ways from societal viewpoint, and conversely Masters who live in material splendor and material worth. They are all masters and none are better or worse, more evolved or not, they simply are living an expression of their divinity in a different way from one another.
There are those of you on the planet at this time, that are perfect souls, living gloriously as unaware, or unconscious spiritual beings. There is nothing wrong with this state; it is simply a state of living in a 3rd dimensional planet body with a 3rd dimensional mindset. Know that this is a perfect expression of itself and is not to be judged as wrong, ill-formed or less than.
As an individual raises their frequency, the spiritual being then becomes aware of a higher way of living and receiving spiritual influences and knowledge. Life becomes easier in many ways, in that the principals of spiritual living begin to grace the individual in a conscious manner. They understand that there is more to life than the physical and the physical laws as they are known in the universe. They begin to consciously work with the Laws of Attraction, to be conscious and to receive the Light of the One. They begin to activate codes of healing and begin to clear within and without them. Many wonderful possibilities emerge, but this is what we will call, still living on the personality level. This is a wonderful development, an important level to explore, to experience, to learn to grow, to share and ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit within them and in the world as you know it.
But beloveds, there is more, much more. I, the Christ am coming to you at this time, to spread the good news that each of you while still in a physical body can live even still on a higher level. This can be known as the master level for want of a better term. This is where the Christ Consciousness, the Buddhic attunement and the like are received and lived by. At this level, one lives as such, in so many ways. This is a level of non-attachment, non-judgment. A level where the understanding abides that nothing is wrong. Even if you are visited by illness, job loss, lack of material wealth, discord between families, friends, even countries. It is a level where the deep and abiding love of such, of the One Light over rides all, because all is an acknowledged and understood outworking that at every moment we are perfect, we are safe, we are love. It is a level of living as an observer and a level of enjoying each and every experience as a gift of learning, of sharing, of experiencing, of growing, of evolving; of the perfect, of this within our lives. The walk of life on the planet at this frequency now becomes truly transplendent. For no matter what happens to the individual at this time, the soul is so deeply awakened in the body, the individual now knows that the inner core, the real self, is always, always alive, always whole and healthy, always love, always the One, never alone, or lost or separate.
So we are here to tell you to enjoy everything! The tapestry of life is oh so varied and delicious, and is a gift to you. Are not roasted vegetables as delicious as a piece of ripe fruit? Which is better? Neither, they are just different. Enjoy your experiences of the day as such. Circumstances do change on your beautiful planet, but you can enjoy and expand yourself and others as you walk through each of them. Each experience has its own special flavor. Remember Howard Johnson with its famous 28 flavors? Well, this experience of life on earth, nay even in the universe, has so many more flavors than that. Why limit yourself to just a few flavors? Why say the flavor of strawberry or vanilla is better than butter pecan or rum raison? Yet, that is what the majority of you are doing to yourselves and others with your judgments. If someone is not living in the flavor you approve of, you are saying to yourself or others that their flavor of living is less than. This is not an expanded view of living.
Be like the master and allow all. Know that each being is indeed a beautiful spiritual being of creation, that we are all one, and that we are all just expressing ourselves in a different way. Send to yourself and all others, the Light of Love of the One so that all will be at peace and receive the highest understanding of their perfection in the place of frequency that they are. This is a great gift to share with others.
Live as the master and receive the direction from the Source so that you are always guided to your highest and best – there can really be nothing less than this. Allow the Light and Love and Peace to penetrate every part of your being, your body, your aura, the in-working and outworking reflection of your life – and it is so.
Rejoice in the master you are, and the master you are becoming and you will know experiences and knowledge unthought-of by yourself and the world as you know it. For there is your world, and there is much, much, more. You will know this and receive this. For the kingdom and glory are your divine right. And so it is!
Beyond the level of masters is the level of divinity and more. This is where “miracles” come from, but it is simply activating and receiving the energy of that frequency of being. Miracles are possible at all levels of living on your planet and this is the dimension they come from. It is the gift from the Source to you as an activation and remembrance of where you really come from and reside – even now, for you are actually a part of this divinity. When you know this, on all levels of your being, then you will be as the Christ, and such as the Christ in action is upon you.
And so we once again bring you good tidings of the news that we are here with you always, and bring you all the joyous experiences, all the flavors of life for you to experience, to know and to be One with. This is our gift and our joy to you in all things.
We love you so, and bless you.
Namaste, Channeling of the Council of Elders and The Christ Consciousness