Living In Your Light

Many of us are feeling out of center these days. We are left with a sense of vulnerability and are at a loss of how to direct our lives to live in, and manifest, our highest good. There are many ways to stay connected with the divine; these four are some of my favorites.
Live in the now. The old paradigm was to plan every event, every moment through a detailed outline, and then live your life through a checklist and the “to do” list. The more spiritual way of living is to bring in the light of the divine into your life, and to watch for the energized (or lighted) areas of your path to become apparent. Then take one step at a time along that path aligned with Spirit, trusting that “thy will be done.” This does not mean that you throw away all goals, direction, or post-it notes, but you do enable yourself to receive your highest path--which is often better than what you had planned for yourself! By living in the now, you freely experience and enjoy each step of the journey, and allow more of the blessing of Spirit into your life.
Ask for divine guidance. Have you asked for divine guidance lately? Our guides and angels and of course God, are all available to help us along our path. But we have free will, they can not interfere unless we give them leave to. There is no limit to what you can ask help with, as long as it doesn’t interfere with someone else’s life and their free will. Our guides and angels are here to help us, so let’s invite them in! Ask divine assistance with your path, and ask for that which is yours to receive.
Use visualization. Use visualization every day to establish what you wish to receive for the day. I use the workshop method as described in the Abraham-Hicks material to visualize within my sacred space what I would like to manifest in my day. By connecting with and bringing in light, then visualizing what I would like, I am able to set my mood to a high level to start with. If I don't know what I would like for the day, I ask for “that which pleases me to occur,” and I request “that which is mine to do, learn, share, teach or experience” to appear. I also ask from time to time “to know what is for me.” I end my visualization with “this, or something better – for thy will be done.” On days that I use my workshop method, I find I am centered, happier and have amazing experiences open up to me.
Bring the light of the divine in you life throughout the day. Yes, it is wonderful if you can meditate an hour or so every day. However, many people simply don't have the time or inclination to do this. With just a few minutes you can center yourself, envision the light of the divine coming into you as a column of light and breath that light of spirit into your life for a minute or two throughout the day. The more times you can do this during the day, the more you will feel the presence of the divine in your life. If you can find the time for coffee, tea or a cigarette break, you can find the time to let some divine light in.
Become a Light Bearer for your own and the planet’s Ascension.
Live in your own light.
Bring in the love, peace and direction you seek.
As you change yourself, you change the world.
Live in the now. The old paradigm was to plan every event, every moment through a detailed outline, and then live your life through a checklist and the “to do” list. The more spiritual way of living is to bring in the light of the divine into your life, and to watch for the energized (or lighted) areas of your path to become apparent. Then take one step at a time along that path aligned with Spirit, trusting that “thy will be done.” This does not mean that you throw away all goals, direction, or post-it notes, but you do enable yourself to receive your highest path--which is often better than what you had planned for yourself! By living in the now, you freely experience and enjoy each step of the journey, and allow more of the blessing of Spirit into your life.
Ask for divine guidance. Have you asked for divine guidance lately? Our guides and angels and of course God, are all available to help us along our path. But we have free will, they can not interfere unless we give them leave to. There is no limit to what you can ask help with, as long as it doesn’t interfere with someone else’s life and their free will. Our guides and angels are here to help us, so let’s invite them in! Ask divine assistance with your path, and ask for that which is yours to receive.
Use visualization. Use visualization every day to establish what you wish to receive for the day. I use the workshop method as described in the Abraham-Hicks material to visualize within my sacred space what I would like to manifest in my day. By connecting with and bringing in light, then visualizing what I would like, I am able to set my mood to a high level to start with. If I don't know what I would like for the day, I ask for “that which pleases me to occur,” and I request “that which is mine to do, learn, share, teach or experience” to appear. I also ask from time to time “to know what is for me.” I end my visualization with “this, or something better – for thy will be done.” On days that I use my workshop method, I find I am centered, happier and have amazing experiences open up to me.
Bring the light of the divine in you life throughout the day. Yes, it is wonderful if you can meditate an hour or so every day. However, many people simply don't have the time or inclination to do this. With just a few minutes you can center yourself, envision the light of the divine coming into you as a column of light and breath that light of spirit into your life for a minute or two throughout the day. The more times you can do this during the day, the more you will feel the presence of the divine in your life. If you can find the time for coffee, tea or a cigarette break, you can find the time to let some divine light in.
Become a Light Bearer for your own and the planet’s Ascension.
Live in your own light.
Bring in the love, peace and direction you seek.
As you change yourself, you change the world.