Channel of Light Meditation
The Channel of Light meditation has been done by many people for many years. I am certainly not the inventor of it, but this is my personal meditation that I use to daily bring the Light of God into my life. The channel of Light meditation is a powerful one, and can be used not only for personal healing and manifestation, but also can be expanded to bring Light across the Earth planet and throughout the Universe.
This is the longer version of my meditation, but it is great if you can connect with the Light through Light meditation for five minutes, five times a day. Archangels tell us that this is the most powerful meditation that we can do for ourselves and the planet at this time.
I hope you enjoy connecting with the Light as much as I.
Let’s be all we can be, and live in Light.
I Am Light and so are You!
I am a channel of God’s Light and Love. This Light pours forth from God through my higher self, directly to the very center of my being. I am one with all that is. This channel of Light, encompasses all of me and I am centered, aligned and am balanced in all things.
My chakras are clear, aligned, balanced, spinning and open. I am now in perfect harmony and in perfect health. I now allow the channel of Light to pass through me; out of the bottoms of my feet, directly to the center of the Earth – to the Mother Earth. This beautiful channel of Light circles back to me, up from the Mother Earth, back into my very being, and I am a complete channel of Light and Love, from God to Goddess. I Am all that I Am.
I now bring in a beautiful angel, who most graciously receives all that I no longer need or want to carry or have in my life now. I release all thoughts, words, actions, deeds, relationships, anything that may be negative, in lack, or in darkness, I now release all that is appropriate at this time to give to this angel. This angel collects this negative energy in a silver funnel that runs from me to a great recycling bin, which this angel carries with them. I am ready to release all that I no longer need, or that which no longer supports me. I now allow this angel to take this discarded energy and return it to the heart of God. This energy is now recycled, cleansed and once again put to good use. I thank thee Lord for this wonderful release.
I now stand once again in my channel of Light and Love and I now open myself to receive the blessings of: joy, abundance, health, love, prosperity, and wisdom. From the center of my being I see coming out of me, like the spokes of a wheel, beams of sacred light that pour forth from me in all directions. These beams of light now magnetically attract, like a tractor beam to me, all the people, places, events, abundance, happiness, joy, love, perfect health and anything else that I may need for my highest good. This is all magnetically and effortlessly attracted to me, in perfect form. I recognize this good as it comes to me, and I welcome any change that is for my highest good.
As I stand in my column of Light I am centered and at peace.
I am happy in my oneness with God, and I share this with the world
to bring joy and peace to the planet.
I give thanks for my many blessings.
To learn more about using a channel or column of Light and working with your Guides you may be interested in reading Reverend Barb's article The Veil.
This is the longer version of my meditation, but it is great if you can connect with the Light through Light meditation for five minutes, five times a day. Archangels tell us that this is the most powerful meditation that we can do for ourselves and the planet at this time.
I hope you enjoy connecting with the Light as much as I.
Let’s be all we can be, and live in Light.
I Am Light and so are You!
I am a channel of God’s Light and Love. This Light pours forth from God through my higher self, directly to the very center of my being. I am one with all that is. This channel of Light, encompasses all of me and I am centered, aligned and am balanced in all things.
My chakras are clear, aligned, balanced, spinning and open. I am now in perfect harmony and in perfect health. I now allow the channel of Light to pass through me; out of the bottoms of my feet, directly to the center of the Earth – to the Mother Earth. This beautiful channel of Light circles back to me, up from the Mother Earth, back into my very being, and I am a complete channel of Light and Love, from God to Goddess. I Am all that I Am.
I now bring in a beautiful angel, who most graciously receives all that I no longer need or want to carry or have in my life now. I release all thoughts, words, actions, deeds, relationships, anything that may be negative, in lack, or in darkness, I now release all that is appropriate at this time to give to this angel. This angel collects this negative energy in a silver funnel that runs from me to a great recycling bin, which this angel carries with them. I am ready to release all that I no longer need, or that which no longer supports me. I now allow this angel to take this discarded energy and return it to the heart of God. This energy is now recycled, cleansed and once again put to good use. I thank thee Lord for this wonderful release.
I now stand once again in my channel of Light and Love and I now open myself to receive the blessings of: joy, abundance, health, love, prosperity, and wisdom. From the center of my being I see coming out of me, like the spokes of a wheel, beams of sacred light that pour forth from me in all directions. These beams of light now magnetically attract, like a tractor beam to me, all the people, places, events, abundance, happiness, joy, love, perfect health and anything else that I may need for my highest good. This is all magnetically and effortlessly attracted to me, in perfect form. I recognize this good as it comes to me, and I welcome any change that is for my highest good.
As I stand in my column of Light I am centered and at peace.
I am happy in my oneness with God, and I share this with the world
to bring joy and peace to the planet.
I give thanks for my many blessings.
To learn more about using a channel or column of Light and working with your Guides you may be interested in reading Reverend Barb's article The Veil.