Let Mother Earth Transform your Life

In 1992, the Nashville, TN area suffered a tremendous ice storm, resulting in local power outages for days, and for ten days at my household. What I remember most about this event was during the night of the storm I kept hearing tremendous breakage and cashing all around my home. The next morning when I awoke I walked outside - our yard looked like a war zone. All told we had lost over thirty trees on our property.
Clean up started and we connected with a tree surgeon to see what could be done to save several very old (and wise) Ponderosa trees. Eventually we saved five out of seven, but even the loss of two of the old beauties tore at my soul. Growing up in a woods, I have always been connected with trees since childhood, and I believed that I could “almost” hear trees speak to me. I grieved for my lost friends that went up in the burn pile, and I had thoughts of wanting to just move away from the massive destruction, since the property looked so very different to me.
Clean up of the project took months of hard manual labor with my husband and myself and many friends who came and offered assistance. By the time we were finished our property looked presentable, but it now had a totally different appearance, particularly the back yard which had been ringed with small evergreen trees in front of the woods.
Ancient mankind once lived by listening to the plant, animal and spiritual community and this was considered a normal part of life. By studying American Indian teachings and other earth based cultures we can still learn how Mother Nature, earth elements and spirits affect our lives, teach us and help us to grow and heal. In his book Plant Spirit Medicine, Eliot Cowan addresses how the Shaman-healer turns to the plant world, and allows plant spirits to cure his patients and become his teachers, friends and allies.
To this end, as we were completing what we could do on the land a few months later, I had a marvelous dream experience.
I dreamt that the trees that were remaining in the yard sang to me. They told me how much they loved me and that they greatly appreciated all that we had done to save them. The trees sang not to be concerned with those trees who had moved on, that they were now One with the Great Spirit and all living things in the next dimensional level. They kept sending me love and gratitude. Then, the largest Ponderosa, a tree about seventy-five feet high and at least two feet wide, said “we love you and want you to stop feeling so sad about us- for all is well. Please allow us to fix your sadness with the Light.” Then the tree bent over (like in a cartoon), and shot from the crown of its tree top - what I can only describe as lightening, but with energy directly into my body. I immediately awoke and became aware of a tingling vibration throughout my body and a feeling of intense love coursed in my body.
At some point over the next couple of days I realized I no longer had any feeling of grief or sadness regarding what had happened to the yard. And in a few months I acknowledged that although my view of the landscape had changed forever, the fresh perspective had opened up brand new delights of nature for me. That spring we were treated to a phenomenal dogwood display that had never shown itself to us because of the smaller pine trees that had once blocked this view. Deer now were coming into our yard nightly to bed down in the continual brush piles we would make (and then burn). The deer were actually late risers, affording my household daily delights of watching them awake, shake away their dreams and start their new day. Mother Earth was reshaping the yard and speaking to me as she reconstructed herself. And I was now healed enough to enjoy the new painting that was in front of me.
Ten years later, Spirit again devastated my landscape of life, by calling my husband and his parents (all my dearest friends), back to their true home. And months after that I found it was appropriate to move away from that beautiful piece of land my husband and I shared together for a time.
Of course, during this process, Spirit directed me to a perfect new home. My landscape has changed again, and creations of new friends and beautiful vistas have again appeared in my life. I am learning that Earth Mother nurtures and guides us always. She speaks to us with her beauty and magnificent presence; she allows her entire kingdom to participate with us. The plants, trees, wind, water, fire, earth, animals, earth elementals, gnomes and fairies all are here with us if we open our eyes and hearts to them. They love and guide us, send us messages and can assist in our healing.
Watch for Mother Earth’s wondrous input in your life, for–
God is everything
God is everywhere
and takes very good care of me.
Clean up started and we connected with a tree surgeon to see what could be done to save several very old (and wise) Ponderosa trees. Eventually we saved five out of seven, but even the loss of two of the old beauties tore at my soul. Growing up in a woods, I have always been connected with trees since childhood, and I believed that I could “almost” hear trees speak to me. I grieved for my lost friends that went up in the burn pile, and I had thoughts of wanting to just move away from the massive destruction, since the property looked so very different to me.
Clean up of the project took months of hard manual labor with my husband and myself and many friends who came and offered assistance. By the time we were finished our property looked presentable, but it now had a totally different appearance, particularly the back yard which had been ringed with small evergreen trees in front of the woods.
Ancient mankind once lived by listening to the plant, animal and spiritual community and this was considered a normal part of life. By studying American Indian teachings and other earth based cultures we can still learn how Mother Nature, earth elements and spirits affect our lives, teach us and help us to grow and heal. In his book Plant Spirit Medicine, Eliot Cowan addresses how the Shaman-healer turns to the plant world, and allows plant spirits to cure his patients and become his teachers, friends and allies.
To this end, as we were completing what we could do on the land a few months later, I had a marvelous dream experience.
I dreamt that the trees that were remaining in the yard sang to me. They told me how much they loved me and that they greatly appreciated all that we had done to save them. The trees sang not to be concerned with those trees who had moved on, that they were now One with the Great Spirit and all living things in the next dimensional level. They kept sending me love and gratitude. Then, the largest Ponderosa, a tree about seventy-five feet high and at least two feet wide, said “we love you and want you to stop feeling so sad about us- for all is well. Please allow us to fix your sadness with the Light.” Then the tree bent over (like in a cartoon), and shot from the crown of its tree top - what I can only describe as lightening, but with energy directly into my body. I immediately awoke and became aware of a tingling vibration throughout my body and a feeling of intense love coursed in my body.
At some point over the next couple of days I realized I no longer had any feeling of grief or sadness regarding what had happened to the yard. And in a few months I acknowledged that although my view of the landscape had changed forever, the fresh perspective had opened up brand new delights of nature for me. That spring we were treated to a phenomenal dogwood display that had never shown itself to us because of the smaller pine trees that had once blocked this view. Deer now were coming into our yard nightly to bed down in the continual brush piles we would make (and then burn). The deer were actually late risers, affording my household daily delights of watching them awake, shake away their dreams and start their new day. Mother Earth was reshaping the yard and speaking to me as she reconstructed herself. And I was now healed enough to enjoy the new painting that was in front of me.
Ten years later, Spirit again devastated my landscape of life, by calling my husband and his parents (all my dearest friends), back to their true home. And months after that I found it was appropriate to move away from that beautiful piece of land my husband and I shared together for a time.
Of course, during this process, Spirit directed me to a perfect new home. My landscape has changed again, and creations of new friends and beautiful vistas have again appeared in my life. I am learning that Earth Mother nurtures and guides us always. She speaks to us with her beauty and magnificent presence; she allows her entire kingdom to participate with us. The plants, trees, wind, water, fire, earth, animals, earth elementals, gnomes and fairies all are here with us if we open our eyes and hearts to them. They love and guide us, send us messages and can assist in our healing.
Watch for Mother Earth’s wondrous input in your life, for–
God is everything
God is everywhere
and takes very good care of me.