The Veil
For many years now, I have questioned why we come back to earth with a veil on our memories of not only God and the higher planes of existence but also of our past lives. Wouldn’t we be able to do a better job here, if we were able to have clear recall of not only our mission, but of our past mistakes and paths? Recently in my channelings and dreams I have begun to receive specific information regarding the veil, and I am beginning to understand that “closure” from the heavenly planes as we return to material form to reincarnate, is actually a good thing.
The first benefit that comes to mind about veiling our past life memories or memories between lives is that with each “new” life we have a brand “new” beginning – without the interference of memories and emotional baggage of our former lives. We are wonderfully given a fresh start. In a recent channeling by my healer friend, Noelle Rose, additional information on what the veil really is – came through her from the Council: “When we come to the earth plane, the veil that surrounds the planet is much thicker than one can imagine. The veil is really all the fear, the pain, the sorrow, the grief that has been experienced throughout time as we know it. In regard to the separation from the One, the One of whom you are a part of – there is no true analogy for the depth of the grief that each individual holds in regard to this separation.”
Apparently as we come into this form of flesh, we willingly separate briefly from the One, crying out and going through this layer that surrounds our beautiful planet. This layer of energy holds the pain and fear and lower energies of the planet and of all its inhabitants (plants, animals, spiritual beings, rocks and humans) and former inhabitants – we come into a very dense planet. As we come through this veil of memories and pain, we also pick up and experience these denser energies. This can explain the theological idea of being born with ‘original sin’ – which is really only the lower energies we pick up when we come through the earth veil as we are born in to this world.
Continuing myself as the channel, the Masters said that as we, little by little inch our way “back to this Presence we open like a flower in this process of reconnection. And when this takes place anywhere on the planet it is thinning the veil for all. So you see it is of vital importance for not simply the planet earth but for all of creation, for you are being impacted - basically ingesting – this primary essence of love for the frequency of Light. So it is brought to you – the Lord of the Stars to assist you in embodying this frequency that you might share it with others.”
In Spiritual Unfoldment I, White Eagle says “As the spiritual awareness of human kind grows, the veil between the earth and the astral world will gradually thin, and the close proximity of the two will eventually be disillusioned and disappointed. Do not be disheartened by these experiences. They are all in the course of your training, and it is better for you to suffer disappointment than to evade the experience altogether. It is a condition of consciousness through which every soul must pass.” Opening up to the light and taking in the primary essence of love anchors the energy within yourselves and also within the earth and upon it. This also thins the veil of sorrow that surrounds the earth. But the act of receiving the sorrow is a part of the progress and growth of the soul.
More information from the Masters came through to me “The veils are being opened more as described – which is important for the evolution of the planet as well as mankind and all of the species of the planet. As humans receive this energy, if they are not grounded in a clear column of Light they open themselves up to the influences of other spiritual beings – some of whom you would classify as alien and there are other forms of life that can attach themselves to individuals who are not grounded in Light. It is important for humans who wish to remain totally focused with the Divine Consciousness – to ground them with the column of Light and connect only with the spiritual beings that are direct emanations of that divinity. Those who are picking up so-called aliens may open themselves up temporarily, whether knowing or unknowing, to universal forces that can attach themselves and enjoy the ‘human ride’, which evidently can interfere with their experience. So it is important for humans to align themselves with the Light of the One and to only allow the wisdom and influence of the Divine Brotherhood of Light to come into their souls. When this happens, the beauty, peace, tranquility and transformation of the person on the earth and of the Universe is profound. It is our hope that everyone on the planet that is so inclined begin to participate with the unification. Those that are experiencing ‘disturbances’ from aliens and from other sources should clear, or have their energy fields cleared by knowledgeable healers, and then focus on the practice of the Divine column of Light and other column of Light mediations. MAP sessions will also help those individuals wishing to stabilize their columns of Light.”
I realize that many of you may work with ‘alien’ spiritual beings; the guides have been specific in telling me that there is no such thing as an ‘alien being’ for all beings are simply a form or manifestation of life in one form or another. What they are referring to in the above dialogue are attachments from darker consciousness beings (from the earth plane or not) who interfere with the development and progression of souls on the earth plane.
Until we are fully developed and integrated with our higher selves, until we are all in control of our emotions, of our tolerance, of our patience, until we can radiate the love of the One into every situation and moment, isn’t it better that we come to earth and gently release and open ourselves to this presence? While we are doing this quietly yet persistently, we are helping to clear and create a new earth, a new consciousness and a new universe.
So as we cross the veil and put a temporary end to paradise,
we have the opportunity to create
a brand new earth and clarity to our own souls.
Let us bring in the Light of the One
and rejoice in this walk back to
our center.
Noelle Rose may be reached at: [email protected]
The first benefit that comes to mind about veiling our past life memories or memories between lives is that with each “new” life we have a brand “new” beginning – without the interference of memories and emotional baggage of our former lives. We are wonderfully given a fresh start. In a recent channeling by my healer friend, Noelle Rose, additional information on what the veil really is – came through her from the Council: “When we come to the earth plane, the veil that surrounds the planet is much thicker than one can imagine. The veil is really all the fear, the pain, the sorrow, the grief that has been experienced throughout time as we know it. In regard to the separation from the One, the One of whom you are a part of – there is no true analogy for the depth of the grief that each individual holds in regard to this separation.”
Apparently as we come into this form of flesh, we willingly separate briefly from the One, crying out and going through this layer that surrounds our beautiful planet. This layer of energy holds the pain and fear and lower energies of the planet and of all its inhabitants (plants, animals, spiritual beings, rocks and humans) and former inhabitants – we come into a very dense planet. As we come through this veil of memories and pain, we also pick up and experience these denser energies. This can explain the theological idea of being born with ‘original sin’ – which is really only the lower energies we pick up when we come through the earth veil as we are born in to this world.
Continuing myself as the channel, the Masters said that as we, little by little inch our way “back to this Presence we open like a flower in this process of reconnection. And when this takes place anywhere on the planet it is thinning the veil for all. So you see it is of vital importance for not simply the planet earth but for all of creation, for you are being impacted - basically ingesting – this primary essence of love for the frequency of Light. So it is brought to you – the Lord of the Stars to assist you in embodying this frequency that you might share it with others.”
In Spiritual Unfoldment I, White Eagle says “As the spiritual awareness of human kind grows, the veil between the earth and the astral world will gradually thin, and the close proximity of the two will eventually be disillusioned and disappointed. Do not be disheartened by these experiences. They are all in the course of your training, and it is better for you to suffer disappointment than to evade the experience altogether. It is a condition of consciousness through which every soul must pass.” Opening up to the light and taking in the primary essence of love anchors the energy within yourselves and also within the earth and upon it. This also thins the veil of sorrow that surrounds the earth. But the act of receiving the sorrow is a part of the progress and growth of the soul.
More information from the Masters came through to me “The veils are being opened more as described – which is important for the evolution of the planet as well as mankind and all of the species of the planet. As humans receive this energy, if they are not grounded in a clear column of Light they open themselves up to the influences of other spiritual beings – some of whom you would classify as alien and there are other forms of life that can attach themselves to individuals who are not grounded in Light. It is important for humans who wish to remain totally focused with the Divine Consciousness – to ground them with the column of Light and connect only with the spiritual beings that are direct emanations of that divinity. Those who are picking up so-called aliens may open themselves up temporarily, whether knowing or unknowing, to universal forces that can attach themselves and enjoy the ‘human ride’, which evidently can interfere with their experience. So it is important for humans to align themselves with the Light of the One and to only allow the wisdom and influence of the Divine Brotherhood of Light to come into their souls. When this happens, the beauty, peace, tranquility and transformation of the person on the earth and of the Universe is profound. It is our hope that everyone on the planet that is so inclined begin to participate with the unification. Those that are experiencing ‘disturbances’ from aliens and from other sources should clear, or have their energy fields cleared by knowledgeable healers, and then focus on the practice of the Divine column of Light and other column of Light mediations. MAP sessions will also help those individuals wishing to stabilize their columns of Light.”
I realize that many of you may work with ‘alien’ spiritual beings; the guides have been specific in telling me that there is no such thing as an ‘alien being’ for all beings are simply a form or manifestation of life in one form or another. What they are referring to in the above dialogue are attachments from darker consciousness beings (from the earth plane or not) who interfere with the development and progression of souls on the earth plane.
Until we are fully developed and integrated with our higher selves, until we are all in control of our emotions, of our tolerance, of our patience, until we can radiate the love of the One into every situation and moment, isn’t it better that we come to earth and gently release and open ourselves to this presence? While we are doing this quietly yet persistently, we are helping to clear and create a new earth, a new consciousness and a new universe.
So as we cross the veil and put a temporary end to paradise,
we have the opportunity to create
a brand new earth and clarity to our own souls.
Let us bring in the Light of the One
and rejoice in this walk back to
our center.
Noelle Rose may be reached at: [email protected]