Allow me to help you on your spiritual path~
We've been waiting for these times - Are You Ready?
Blessed beings of Oneness and Light! Know that is your true nature…
Lightworkers, if you are reading this then, yes, you are a Lightworker and you have been preparing for these days and times your whole life. You are ready to face what needs to be faced and to bring in the LIGHT, to integrate, transmute and move forward in grace, health, Oneness, joy, peace, wisdom and prosperity - to name a few good things.
What do we see coming up? Many changes on the planet will continue to unfold. Stay in your center of peace and detach from your intellectual and emotional feelings to what is unfolding. The 3 D world must crumble to allow higher energies and paths will unfold. Let the 3 D collapse. Be the observer. You can stay in your column of Light and Love, your Merkaba, and be completed at ease and protected. Yes things will change. You must let go of all fear and be fine with watching the movie unfold with an action packed fast paced show this year. It will move by very quickly. So sit and get quiet within yourself, get out your metaphysical popcorn and enjoy the show as you would a movie in the theater. When you emerge you will find yourself in a much higher vibrational world and brighter world. This fast paced changing world may actually take almost 2 calendar years to make the necessary changes. We will all be fine if we stay in our peaceful center. Even if you or a loved one has chosen to exit the planet at this time, all is in divine order, your mission is complete. You are an eternal being of Oneness and Light, know this as truth.
If you need help finding your path, healing, or understanding this message, contact me.
Channeled, by Reverend Barb and the Galactic Council of Oneness and Light
(Yes, that is who I often channel and have channeled along with my higher self for the past 30 years.)
I want you to know that we are Light. I am Light, and so are you!
Know that we are all children of the Light on marvelous journeys,
throughout time and space.
I believe we are works in progress,
we are journeying together and growing,
creating, loving and sharing
each and every day in our understanding.
We may feel alone at times, but we are not alone.
And what may mystify us one day - is completely clear to us another.
Travel with me to mystical places and planes with my articles and new book, The Healing - One Small Cat's Divine Mission. Learn to receive healingand spiritual understanding by connectingwith your Guides and Angels, explore some of my favorite meditations.
Make peaceful transitions in your life, explore contact with the other side, read recent channeled messages from Reverend Barb's Guides,fill yourself with Light and Love.
Live in joy, being all you can be.
Namaste, Reverend Barbara Ross Greaney
Find out what Reverend Barb has been up to and will be involved with in 2023 - I invite you to join in the fun and make 2023 the best year ever, filled with God, Purpose and Joy!