Allow me to help you on your spiritual path~
Journeying through the Uncertain Times
Blessed beings of Oneness and Light! Know that is your true nature…Oh what a year you all have had! Rejoice that a great cycle has completed and a new cycle begins.
Written 11/26/23
Each New Year I write a guidance message for the upcoming year. This year the message came in a month early. The energies for 2024 are already anchoring for the planet.
2024 will continue on with intense energies and many changes on the planet. But remember, by now we all know that we are spiritual warriors and can do this! The key to making all of this work in your personal life is to anchor into Source energy, staying encapsulated within your center. Bring as much Light and Peace as you can into your center and then as you are stable within self, gently radiate this peace and Light outward.
Key themes for this year are Awakenings and Releases. We will continue to see others and ourselves awaken to the Light and Oneness that we are, and to release that which no longer serves us. This will happen on personal and global/planetary levels - so be the observer, know that no matter what is happening that you, the eternal being are safe. Know that your true inner being is perfect and fine and that the rest is illusionary. As you strengthen your inner Light, that Light will become brilliant and you will assist others in their process to awakening. This is a beautiful and sacred cleansing and healing that you are actively, consciously participating in.
I am sending everyone Light and Peace to anchor in Oneness and be all that your sacred path unfolds for you this year and in every moment.
And so it is!
I am sending Love and Light to you all
Written 1/3/22:
Remember, you are the author of your own story! Yes you are. I know - there are mitigating factors around all of us, but we can choose our pathway through. We can create new pathways for positive choice no matter what our circumstance - really. Energies continue to be intense, breathe in the Light, breathe out Love.
It also feels like for the next 5- 10 years we will continue to see many changes structurally in the material world. Some old systems and institutions will and are collapsing. Keep the faith. Out of the old ashes and energy new ways, inventions and structuring of society and the world will emerge. Keep the faith. There will continue to be distractions and mis-information so practice discernment. To thine own self be true. This is Master Class! The divine plan is unfolding with divine timing.
This is a new age, and with it growth that is not yet seen, but is happening beneath the surface and is already in progress. So many things are possible that if one remains positive and connected to Source you will see beautiful bounty and life around you. You may see new colors. You may see images with your third (mind’s) eye or even physical eyesight that will astound you. Know that the veils are lifting. Know that you are right where you are supposed to be, although that point may be a new jumping off point for you.
You are not alone and never have been alone – on so many levels. Look to and pay attention to ET disclosure. Connect to Source and much will be revealed. Love yourself as
God loves you – or receive the love that God is sending you this and every moment.
Yes you have been through much, but you have walked through the fire walk of hot coals and are still fine. You are made of strong stuff. Your higher self and your angelic Guides and Spiritual Helpers will assist you at all times. Keep the faith.
Once again, you are the power point of your life. We can shift our focus and experience of any path in a single moment and this will change everything in your life. I love you, the Angels, Guides and Ascended Masters love you, and God/Source loves you!
Blessed are those who walk in the Light of God,
For they are lifted up and healed.
They are released from bondage and are set free and thrive!
And so it is!
Channeled, by Reverend Barb and the Galactic Council of Oneness and Light
(Yes, that is who I often channel and have channeled along with my higher self for the past 30 years )
I want you to know that we are Light. I am Light, and so are you!
Know that we are all children of the Light on marvelous journeys,
throughout time and space.
I believe we are works in progress,
we are journeying together and growing,
creating, loving and sharing
each and every day in our understanding.
We may feel alone at times, but we are not alone.
And what may mystify us one day - is completely clear to us another.
Travel with me to mystical places and planes with my articles and new book, The Healing - One Small Cat's Divine Mission. Learn to receive healingand spiritual understanding by connectingwith your Guides and Angels, explore some of my favorite meditations.
Make peaceful transitions in your life, explore contact with the other side, read recent channeled messages from Reverend Barb's Guides,fill yourself with Light and Love.
Live in joy, being all you can be.
Namaste, Reverend Barbara Ross Greaney
Find out what Reverend Barb has been up to and will be involved with in 2023 - I invite you to join in the fun and make 2023 the best year ever, filled with God, Purpose and Joy!