October 2011

Waterfall in Bali
"We are truly in amazing times, seeing incredible transformations happen across this beautiful planet. Because of the expanded communications that are now available, to virtually every nook and cranny of the world, we are becoming One with an awareness and interest in all living things. All can become aware of the dramatic changes occurring throughout the world, the earth changes, the economic changes, the stresses and fractures in governments, in business and in families.
The stratifications between vibrations is already happening, will intensify, and as we get closer to the mysterious shift of this great planet being Gaia, you are feeling this personally and discovering these movements in your daily life. More light workers are finding and connecting to one another. Where we have been separated we are now joining physically, emotionally and in energy. We are also in the process of pulling away, or separating from those who are not of like vibration. Do not be distressed at this, for this is the natural evolution of all living things on the planet at this time. The earth is raising her vibration and for those of us who intend to ascend with her, we continue to expand and keep our vibration as high and centered as possible. Send your love to everything and everyone on the planet for all will migrate to their vibrational frequency. All is well. All is according to the divine plan. You and every living thing on this planet are blessed. And so it is."
Message channeled by Reverend Barb through the Golden Arcturian Council of Light and One
The stratifications between vibrations is already happening, will intensify, and as we get closer to the mysterious shift of this great planet being Gaia, you are feeling this personally and discovering these movements in your daily life. More light workers are finding and connecting to one another. Where we have been separated we are now joining physically, emotionally and in energy. We are also in the process of pulling away, or separating from those who are not of like vibration. Do not be distressed at this, for this is the natural evolution of all living things on the planet at this time. The earth is raising her vibration and for those of us who intend to ascend with her, we continue to expand and keep our vibration as high and centered as possible. Send your love to everything and everyone on the planet for all will migrate to their vibrational frequency. All is well. All is according to the divine plan. You and every living thing on this planet are blessed. And so it is."
Message channeled by Reverend Barb through the Golden Arcturian Council of Light and One